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Fashion is the Key to Discovering Whether or Not Rey is the Next Chosen Skywalker


Fashion is the Key to Discovering Whether or Not Rey is the Next Chosen Skywalker

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Fashion is the Key to Discovering Whether or Not Rey is the Next Chosen Skywalker


Published on April 7, 2017

Rey, Star Wars, fashion

It appears that the question about whether or not Rey is truly a member of the Skywalker line has been settled… through a careful look at fashion choices?

Klaudia Amenábar noticed this fun exchange from Tumblr and posted it to Twitter:

Tumblr Rey theory, fashion, Star Wars

These are all… very salient points. You have to wonder where Rey has been getting her hair products because holding any style together without the proper tools is pretty taxing. (Does she even have a comb? How does one clean their hair on a desert planet inside the husk of an AT-AT that has no reason to contain shower stall?) And while her clothes are made from anything but the finest silks, she clearly has a constructed sense of style that is functional and all her own.

Rey, Star Wars, fashion
See, drapey bits!

Plus, have you ever stopped to track how those drapey bits fall into place? That took some serious thinking.

But does this eye for fashion make her a descendant of Naboo royalty and the Skywalker line? Rey already has a brand new uniform by the end of The Force Awakens, one that looks like it was tailor made to her specifications. Many of her hallmarks are there, with the armbands and the functional separates. Maybe she truly did inherit her grandmother’s fashion sense. Or even her grandfather’s love of durable fabrics and desert chic.

Rey, Star Wars, fashion
Who made your new clothes, Rey?

Obviously, Rey’s is the journey we will be following in this brand new trilogy, prominent lineage or not. But, if it does turn out that she is somehow a part of the Skywalker line, now you can say you always knew…

…because the clothes makes the Chosen One. Ones? Oh, you know.

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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7 years ago

She’s got to be Luke’s daughter, considering her skills, the way everyone looked at her and acted towards her, and the fact that his lightsaber called specifically to her. She’s Luke’s daughter, otherwise all that makes her the queen of Mary Sues. My guess is everyone thought she was dead after the attack on Luke’s Jedi, but Kylo kidnapped her, wiped her memory, and squirreled her away for a future move against Snoke.

7 years ago

“And while her clothes are made from anything but the finest silks…” I was at the Star Wars Costume exhibit at the Denver fine arts museum last weekend and learned that the classic Jedi robes worn by Obi Wan Kenobi et al. were, in fact, made of silk. It was the only material that flowed properly and could hold up unwrinkled through long days of filming. Given that, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Rey’s costume in reality was made of the finest silks :).  

Kirth Girthsome
7 years ago

You have to wonder where Rey has been getting her hair products because holding any style together without the proper tools is pretty taxing. (Does she even have a comb? How does one clean their hair on a desert planet inside the husk of an AT-AT that has no reason to contain shower stall?)

When you’ve got telekinetic powers, personal grooming is pretty easy.

7 years ago

I had a major argument with a friend (okay, okay, it wasn’t really major) over whether Rey’s outfit could be called a schmatta or not. She said schmatta, I said stylish-under-the-circs.

Carl Kruse
7 years ago

I suspect Rey would look good even in an empty sack of potatoes.

7 years ago

I still feel like she’s Obi Wan’s child.

7 years ago

When you’ve got telekinetic powers, personal grooming is pretty easy.


7 years ago

@6 Can’t be Ben’s. Thirty years have passed between Jedi and TFA. Ben died six or so years before Jedi. Rey is not 36-40 yrs old. 

7 years ago


JoR, never know what those midichlorians will do.  Rey could be like Anakin.  (gods, I hope not.  that crapola from Phantom Menace was weeeeeeeeeak)

7 years ago

@8 Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wim, oh wait, wrong universe, erm, maybe she was frozen in carbonite. Yeah, that’s it, she thinks her parents abandoned her, but actually she was kidnapped by a bounty hunter at a young age, frozen like Han, and was found by a scavenger and unfrozen years later.

7 years ago


Personally, I think she’s Obi-Wan’s granddaughter. And we’ll likely meet his mate in his spinoff movie.

7 years ago

@11: I’m leaning towards that theory too. It would definitely provide context to the inclusion of Ewan McGregor’s statement of “You are ready to take your first steps…” during Rey’s abrupt vision on finding Luke’s lightsaber. 

Puff the Magic Commenter
7 years ago

@6, 11, and 12: Not Obi-Wan’s daughter or granddaughter. I’ve been pushing the idea for a year that Rey is Obi-Wan’s clone, and this fashion theory is actual evidence for that.

See, I think old Ben stopped by Kamino on his way to exile on Tattooine and made a little secret deposit (being, at the time, among The Last Jedi), with instructions to grow the clone—Rey—at some as yet unrevealed sign. Then, for some other as-yet-to-be-divined reason, taken and left on Jakku.

The fashion clue? As seen in Rey’s vision, her little self was wearing basically a burlap sack when abandoned. But once she’s old enough to make her own clothes—look at the neckline she chooses to cut. Now look at the neckline on the tunic that Boba Fett wears on Kamino:

Pretty interesting coincidence. I think Rey is Obi-Wan returned in the flesh to straighten out the mess he made with the Skywalker family.

7 years ago

Do all the “Chosen Ones” have to be related? Can’t she just be Rey?

7 years ago

It’d be fun if she’s actually a Palpatine.

7 years ago

I always wondered why Rey bothered with makeup as a salvage rat on Jakku. Where was she getting lipstick??

Eduardo Jencarelli
7 years ago

@15: Given the way Rey held her lightsaber during her duel with Ben, I wouldn’t doubt it. Same fighting style. Palpatine held his saber pretty much the same way when dueling Mace Windu.

7 years ago

I didn’t notice that. The only fact I noticed about her fighting style is that she favored moves that could have been done with a staff, which was her actual weapon of choice. But if she’s a Palpatine, there’s no real reason for her to use the same dueling style, if she wasn’t taught by one.